Company Profile

SEAL – short for SIL Engineering and Atex Laboratory – was founded with the goal of offering testing and consultancy services to third parties both in Italy and Europe in the gas detection field.

SIL Engineering and Functional safety principles are constantly gaining importance when designing electronic devices, and these requirements are set by the various gas detection specific Standards, both in traditional Industrial Safety applications and – more recently – in Refrigeration and Hydrogen detection.

There are very few laboratories in Europe – none in Italy – which currently offer these types of consultancy services in the gas detection field, which generally refers to sections 1-7 of IEC 61508 series worldwide and EN 50271 in Europe (as CENELEC).

Furthermore, in terms of conformity tests according to gas detection norms, there are few Notifying Bodies which are specialised in the specific performance requirements set by European norms EN 50194-1, EN 50676 and EN 14624 (Refrigeration) and international norms IEC 60079-29-0 and ISO 26142 (Hydrogen detection).

The Atex Laboratory within SEAL was created to support End Users and Notifying Bodies which operate across Europe in the gas detection market.